Mobile County Administration
The County Administrator's Office works with Mobile County Commissioners and other elected County officials to facilitate the delivery of quality and effective services to the citizens of Mobile County. The Administrator is responsible for the overall direction of the County's administrative departments and serves as the budgetary agent for all County offices.
Eddie Kerr - County Administrator
251-574-8604 - Email:
- Works closely with the Administration to facilitate plans and implement policies
- Represents the County on various civic and community boards
- Serves as the Legislative Liaison
- Oversees the day-to-day operation of several county departments
Aspen Collins - Deputy County Administrator
251-574-8605 - Email:
Ricky Mitchell, P.E. - Deputy County Administrator
251-574-5018 - Email:
Dana A. Foster-Allen, CPA - Director of Finance
- Formulates the County's annual budget
- Formulates the County's debt management and policies
- Oversees the day-to-day operation of the County's finance, accounts payable, purchasing, and payroll offices
- Oversees the Accounting and Information Systems
Sharee Broussard, APR - Director of Public Affairs & Community Services
251-574-5088 - Email:
- Responsible for media relations, external/internal communications, community relations, and events
- Leads the Emergency Management Joint Information Center
- Oversees scheduling for events at Government Plaza
Alison Wadhwani - Director of Human Resources
- Oversees operations of the Human Resources Department
- Oversees the County's Employee Benefits Department
- Oversees employee insurance plans
- Oversees operations of the Risk Management Department
- Oversees Payroll and Mailroom
Gordon Bauer - Director of Grants
251-574-8099 - Email:
- Oversees the preparation of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan, One-Year Action Plan, and the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for HUD Grants
- Oversees the Community Development Block Grant for Mobile County and the nine members of the Mobile County Urban County Consortium
- Oversees the HOME program for Mobile County and the nine members of the Mobile County Urban County Consortium
- Coordinates grant-related matters with HUD as well as the nine members of the Mobile County Urban County Consortium
- Oversees Disaster Recovery Grants
- Oversees the day-to-day operations of the Grants Department
- Directs the formulation of various policies and procedures as required for grant implementation and compliance
- Assists with the evaluation of potential other grant opportunities, as such opportunities arise
Vacant - Director of Facilities and Maintenance
- Oversees operations of the Building Maintenance Department
- Oversees operations of the Electronics Department
- Oversees operations of the Facilities Design & Construction Department
- Oversees operations of the Custodial Services Department
Tina Sanchez - Director of Environmental Services
251-574-3229 - Email:
- Manages the Environmental Grants Program
- Oversees MS4 Stormwater Management Program
- Oversees Conservation Property Management Program
- Oversees Environmental Regulatory Compliance
- Oversees operations of the County's Parks and Recreation Department
- Oversees Solid Waste Management
- Oversees Community Resilience and Disaster Recovery
- Oversees operations of the County's Environmental Enforcement Department
- Oversees operations of the County's Animal Control Department
Kim Sanderson, P.E. - County Engineer
251-574-8595 - Email:
- Administrator for the Engineering Department
- Manages the Design & Construction of Roads, Bridges & Associated Drainage
- Oversees Traffic Engineering
- Administers the various Pay-As-You-Go programs
- Oversees the Bridge Inspection program
- Oversees the Design and Construction of Economic Development Projects
- Oversees the Development of Federal Grant Projects involving Roads, Bridges & related infrastructure
- Serves as the County representative for engineering-related litigation
Neal Howard, P.E. - Public Works Director/Chief Engineer of the Division of Public Roads
251-574-7954 - Email:
- Administrator for the Public Works Department (road and bridge maintenance)