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Development and Zoning

Section 11-24-1 of the Alabama Code, as part of the definition of “SUBDIVISION,” goes on to delineate development as such: “Development includes, but is not limited to, the design work of lot layout, the construction of drainage structures, the construction of buildings or public use areas, the planning and construction of public streets and public roads, and the placement of public utilities.” Generally, if someone is making changes to land or building for any purpose that changes its general use, that is considered development. Development permitting with Mobile County has two phases, Commercial Site Plan Review that serves as the land disturbance permit, and Inspections Services that reviews plans for code compliance and issues Building Permits.

There is no zoning in the unincorporated areas of Mobile County. Should you require official confirmation, please send your request to our office including a parcel number or key number and where the information should be sent. Our office also provides verification of maintenance responsibility for roadways upon request.

Several of the local municipalities have exercised permitting authority within their respective permitting jurisdictions. Development permitting, including land disturbance, building permits, and address assignment are handled by staff of the municipality. You may find maps of these extra-territorial jurisdictions under our GIS & Mapping Department.

If you have any questions, our department is available for pre-development meetings to discuss our requirements and help with understanding the development process and timelines.

Proposed Subdivision Regulations

Linked is the most recent draft of the proposed new Subdivision Regulations for Mobile County and with a proposed potential fee schedule (subject to approval/adoption by the Mobile County Commission). Please review the attached and provide us any comments you may have by replying to

Please send your comments no later than November 15, 2021. This will allow us to process any changes and follow a tentative timeline to 1) begin advertising in early December;  2) for adoption in late December; 3) with an effective date in the first quarter of 2022.


Mobile Government Plaza
205 Government Street
Mobile, Alabama 36644-1600

Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
