Mobile County Absentee Election Manager's Office to Open on Saturdays
Posted on: Oct 2nd, 2020 | AnnouncementsFeatured NewsPress Releases
The Mobile County Absentee Election Manager's Office will be open on the following dates between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., to offer Mobile County residents additonal opportunities to submit an absentee ballot application and/or obtain absentee election materials prior to the 2020 General Election:
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Saturday, October 24, 2020
The Absentee Election Manager's Office is located on the first floor of the Mobile County Government Center Annex, 151 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama. The CDC's COVID-19 pandemic guidelines are being utilized in the Annex. Voters are requested to wear a face mask while inside the Annex, although wearing a mask is not mandated in order for citizens to vote.
Additionally, the Absentee Election Manager's Office will be open on Saturday, October 31, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., for voters to hand deliber absentee ballots to the office.
The absentee ballot application form can be downloaded from the Mobile County Probate Court's website The application can be printed and completed by the voter prior to the voter coming to the Annex to vote absentee.
Source: Press Release from Mobile County's Judge of Probate and Chief Election Officer Don Davis and Mobile County's Circuit Court Clerk and Absentee Election Manager Jo Jo Schwarzauer.